Identifying Duplicate Fake Indian Currency Notes – Mumbai

“Fake currency was a major problem in Mumbai. There was a time to be alert with the fake (Duplicate) Indian currency rackets, cloning the 500 and 1000 rupees currency notes which increased all type of negative and anti-social elements in Mumbai and around India. Lets have a look on the current status of such notes and how to identify duplicate currency when in city and save yourself from cheaters..”

Indian Currency
Indian Currency

Update : Upon the Demonetization decision taken on 8th November 2016 by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, all old currency notes of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 are illegal and has helped wash out all fake currency notes from Market.

Now below details is a old story

Mumbai is a commercial capital of India and recently lots of fake (counterfeit) currency notes are found in shopping markets and business deals. Mumbai Police and Others are catching hold of such rackets, But a general awareness is must in Mumbai to save people and educate them to identify the fake (‘Nakli‘ in Hindi) notes of rupees 500 and also notes of 1000 rupees being circulated in lakhs.

In recent news its was said that Mumbai traffic department who have caught the people without license rejected to accept fines if its in notes of rupees 500 and 1000 worth, Just a extra precaution from this fake flooding currency notes.

Banks and ATM’s in Mumbai has displayed ‘Ways to identify fake Indian currency notes’ which details different secret codes, colours and identification marks / watermarks that are used by RBI to identify the same. Some other methods to identify fake notes is by using UV( Ultra Violet rays) on notes to see some hidden secret marks.

Fake Currency Series Displayed in Mumbai Banks

Recently RBI gave series numbers of 1000 rupee notes which are duplicated and are fake, which are below :

  • Serial numbers of Rs. 1000 fake currency notes : ‘2aq’ ‘8ac’.

See More in    Money Market

Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.

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